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The bailiffs of the Dinskoy district department of the Main Directorate of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Krasnodar Territory, in accordance with the court's decision, suspended the operation of the pulp drying department of the Dinskoy sugar plant for a period of 90 days.
On December 07, 2021, 5 sugar contracts were sold at NTB and BSP. The total volume of sales has made 1020 MT (NTB - 20 tn and BSP - 1000 tn) at the average price of RUR 47506/MT (US$644,85/MT at the exchange rate of CBR on date indicated). Trading session closed at $648.84/MT (CFO).
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, as of December 7, 2021, sugar beets were harvested from 991.1 thousand hectares; bulk harvest makes 40.7 million tons.
According to Statkom of Kazakhstan, the producer price of white sugar in November 2021 (excluding excises and VAT) increased by 2.11 % and amounted to 228442 Tenge/MT (in 2020 - 166156 Tenge/MT, in 2019 - 176266 Tenge/MT), or RUR 38133.14/MT (at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation by the middle of the reporting month).