Sugar Market Reviews

Daily report on Russian sugar market by is split into two parts and is published at 14:00 (+3 GMT) and 16:00 (+3 GMT) Moscow time.

  • The first part of the report provides information on the volumes and status of raw sugar cargo in the ports of Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States (ETA, on roads, unloading, the actual balance on-board); price indices of the Russian sugar market; the estimated production cost of sugar from raw sugar; the prices of raw and refined sugar on world markets;
  • The second part of the report covers the main daily news and analysis of the Russian sugar market.

FREE attachment to our reports provides daily review of the CIS sugar market, based on the mass media and news and analytics.

Additionally, the subscription includes access to the insider information at our web-site: information on export/import of the EAEC countries, detailed import/export in Russia, commodity prices, etc.

Weekly Report on Russian sugar market is published by every Thursday at 16:00 (+3 GMT) Moscow time and offers:

  • full set of news and analyses from daily reports for one week period;
  • figures on monthly production, import, export of sugar in Russia;
  • weekly regional prices and prices from sugar traders in Moscow;
  • review of transportation of refined and raw sugar by rail for a week in Russia;
  • sea port information providing data on ships unloading raw sugar in the sea ports of Russia, Ukraine and the Baltic States for the past week;
  • World market prices for raw and refined sugar.

Subscription price: US$500 monthly.


Reviews of Russian and CIS sugar markets (samples)


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News in English (delayed)