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The price of white beet sugar from industrial producers has made RUR 39.68/kg (+4.7% per week) according to the Food Safety Monitoring and Forecasting System of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia on October 21, 2020.
According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, as of October 27, 2020, sugar beets were harvested from 796.8 thousand hectares or 85.9% of the acreage sown; 28.6 million tons of beet collected; average yield makes 35.93 MT/ha.
On October 27, 2020, 7 sugar contracts were sold at NTB. The total volume of sales has made 280 MT at the average price of RUR 44107/MT (US$576.98/MT at the exchange rate of CBR on date indicated). Trading session closed at $575.58/MT (CFO).
As of October 27, 2020, Ukrainian agricultural producers continue sugar beet harvesting. By report date, the acreage harvested has made 88.5 thousand hectares (41% to the forecast); bulk harvest makes 3.7 million tons.
According to NASU "Ukrtsukor" report dated October 27, 2020, 377.7 thousand tons of sugar were produced in Ukraine out of 2.88 million tons of sugar beet processed.