Sugar market news from Russia and Belarus, Sept 28, 2020

Latest news are available in our daily reports.


The price for refined beet sugar from industrial producers was RUR 34.45/kg on September 23, 2020 (+ 6.9% per week), according to the Food Safety Monitoring and Forecasting System of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.


On September 25, 2020, 14 sugar contracts were sold at NTB. The total volume of sales has made 580 MT at the average price of RUR 38054/MT (US$493.07/MT at the exchange rate of CBR on date indicated). Trading session has closed at $488.44/MT (CFO), $500.13/MT (YFO), $492.43/MT (PFO).


Sugar stocks with the industrial enterprises amounted to 33.5 thousand tons as of September 1, 2020, which is 137% more than the average monthly production rate and 56.8% less than the stocks as of the first day of the last month.


According to the information from the Association "Belsakhar», all sugar factories were launched to process sugar beets of the new crop in the republic. As of September 28, 2020, factories have processed 504 thousand tons of sugar beet and produced 46 thousand tons of sugar. The factories have reached an aggregated daily processing capacity of 39 thousand tons. The sugar content of sugar beet at acceptance was 15.62% from the beginning of the season against 16.43% at this date last year. 



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