Russian and Ukrainian sugar news, Sept 07, 2020

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According to the operational data of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, sugar imports from non-CIS countries in August 2020 amounted to 17.3 million US dollars. At the same time, the value of sugar imports on an annualized basis (by August 2019) decreased by 8.6%. These figures were reported to Sugar.Ru in the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS includes import of Belarusian sugar to total volume of imports from non-CIS countries - Sugar.Ru).


The price for white beet sugar from industrial producers has made RUR 30.27/kg as of September 2, 2020 (+2.7% per week), according to the Food Safety Monitoring and Forecasting System of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. 


According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, as of September 4, 2020, sugar beets were harvested from 70.8 thousand hectares, or 7.6% of the area sown; 2.7 million tons of beets were collected; average yield has made 38.22 MT/ha.


A new season of sugar beet processing has started. On September 05, 2020, the LLC "Radekhovskiy sugar" company has started juice extracting season-2020 at its Radekhovskiy subdivision.



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