TOP-10 sugar exporters from Ukraine in 2018 MY

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TOP-10 sugar exporters from Ukraine in 2018 MY according to Ukrtsukor. Ukraine exported 2% less sugar in 2018 compared to 2017 - 586.5 thousand tons worth $ 17.09 million. The main buyers were Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Libya, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

  1. “Radekhovsky sugar” - 150.9 tons, $ 55.0 million;
  2. "Tsukoragroprom" - 65.8 tons, $ 28.3 million;
  3. "Podolia - Food Company" - 60.7 tons, $ 20.4 million;
  4. Teofipolsky sugar factory - 50.2 tons, $ 18.7 million;
  5. “Zarya Podolye - Food Company” - 37.7 tons, $ 12.5 million;
  6. Novoorzhitsky Sugar Refinery - 34.5 tons, $ 13.0 million;
  7. Elite Railways - 23.9 tons, $ 8.0 million;
  8. ED&F Man Trading Ukraine - 20.5 tons, $ 8.5 million;
  9. NovoIvankovsky sugar factory - 15.2 tons, $ 6.2 million;
  10. "Melagrain" - 12.8 tons, $ 4.3 million

According to Sugar.Ru railway monitoring data, Ukraine delivered 8.4 thousand tons of white sugar transit by the Russian railway in January 2019. Most of it was delivered to Tajikistan (3.9 thousand tons and Uzbekistan (2.3 thousand tons).



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