Price monitoring data by and the dynamics of sugar beet development in Belarus, Aug 10, 2017

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According to the Ministry of Agriculture, by August 9, 2017 sugar beet was collected from an area of 15.1 thousand hectares or 1.3% of the crop acreage sown in the country (in 2016 - 13.5 thousand hectares).


Import of sugar from non-CIS countries has made US$ 19.6 million in July 2017 (and has not changed from June 2017, +9.2% vs. July 2016), according to the FCS.


 “Everybody run now

Everybody run now

Break into another time”

30 Seconds To Mars - Oblivion

According to price monitoring data for the period from August 3, 2017 to August 10, 2017, the US dollar rate dropped by 1.0% (on August 3 the rate was RUR 60.58/US$, on August 10 – RUR 59.96/US$). The ruble Moscow wholesale price for sugar fell by 2.95 rubles per kilo (-8.13%), the Krasnodar wholesale price went down by RUR 2.80/kg (-8.28%). US dollar wholesale Moscow sugar price fell by $ 0.043 / kg (-7.18%), the wholesale Krasnodar price dropped by $ 0.041 / kg (-7.35%).

Over the past week the wholesale prices continued to fall, but on Thursday they came to a halt, and maybe marked a reversal. On Wednesday the minimum price in Krasnodar was RUR 30/kg; on Thursday - already +1 RUR/kg. Buyers, apparently realizing that the price bottom is close or was reached, have increased purchases. Reacting to the growing demand some companies raised their morning prices in the second half of Thursday. A similar situation was in August last year, but then the rebound occurred from the level of RUR 33.5 per kilo. However, the significant increase in prices is very doubtful; sugar producers are not interested in it, because the procurement price of sugar beet depends on the level of sugar prices.

The processing of sugar beet is going on at plants in Krasnodar and Stavropol regions. Orel region has started to harvest sugar beet. Export of white sugar by rail continues to remain relatively low, in the first ten days of August only 3.8 thousand tons were shipped, for comparison, exports in March-April were about 50 thousand tons per month.

According to the latest sugar beet development data from Belarus, the sugar beet continues to rapidly reduce the gap from the previous year: the difference in weight is 4.4 grams, while on August 1 the difference was 34.4 g; the sucrose content is less by 0.64%, and on August 1 it was 0.89% behind.


According to the Committee on Statistics, the consumer prices for refined sugar increased by 6.6% in July 2017, and from the beginning of 2017 the prices increased by 10.5%; in the annual calculation (by July 2016) the gain has made 7.9%.


According to the Association "Belsahar", the dynamics of sugar beet development looks as follows (as of August 10, 2017) :

  • weight of beet is 451.5 g (2016 - 459.9 g)
  • weight of tops - 507.4 g (2016 - 434.2 g),
  • sucrose content  - 13.23% (2016 - 13.87%).

The increase in 10 days is high: beet weight +102.8 g; weight of the tops +30.5 g and the sucrose content has added 1.35%.


According to the National Statistics Committee, the consumer prices for granulated sugar increased by 0.4% in July 2017; and in annual terms (by July 2016) - by 7.6%.



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