Sugar news from Russia and Kazakhstan, Aug 14, 2015

Latest news are available in our daily reports.


According to the report by the Ministry of Agriculture dated August 13, 2015, sugar beet was from an area of 1.5 hectares and 0.5 thousand ha in Stavropol and Orel regions respectively. Collected 69.8 and 12.2 thousand tons, with yields of 46.53 and 52.63 MT/ha.


The production capacity of "Zainsky sugar" will grow in the coming years to reach 1.2 mln MT of sugar beet every juice extracting season. The sugar factory features two newly built warehouses with capacity of 40 thousand tons of raw material, the system of active ventilation of sugar beet piles is scheduled for launch; a new department for production of refined sugar is on the way; the department of small (retail) sugar packing (5-10 kilograms) will be started.


Farmers of Dobrinka, Dobrovsky, Lebedyansky and Krasninsky districts of Lipetsk region have started harvesting sugar beets. The processing campaign will start at Gryazinsky and Lebedyansky sugar factories on August 15. The sugar beet acreage in Lipetsk region makes 107,600 hectares this season, which is almost 20 thousand hectares more than last year.


According to rail cargo data by Sugar.Ru and as of August 15, 2015, Kazakhstan has received 147.9 thousand MT of white sugar by rail transit Russian. The largest supplier of sugar to Kazakhstan is Moldova (52.4 thousand MT). Kazakhstan has also received 110.4 thousand MT of sugar from countries outside the Customs Union.



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