Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian sugar news, Oct 24, 2016

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Tatarstan has processed 852.3 thousand tons of sugar beet and produced 123 504 tons of sugar from the beginning of the season and by October 24 (in 2015 – 113 431 MT). Sugar production yield makes 14.2% (in 2015 - 14.5%).


According to the Ministry of Agriculture, the wholesale price of sugar has increased by 3.3%, retail - decreased by 0.9% from October 11 to October 17 2016. As of October21 sugar beets were harvested from the area of 792.0 thousand hectares (71.3%). Bulk harvest makes 35.4 million tons with an average yield of 44.67 MT/ha.


According to the State Service of statistics of Ukraine processed by Sugar.Ru, the country has produced 14.8 thousand tons of sugar confectionery in September 2016 (-14.45% compared to previous month and -2.63% vs September 2015). Production volume of sugar confectionery from the beginning of the year has reached 135.8 thousand tons (in 2015 - 139.5 thousand tons).


Sugar beet harvesting is completed by 56% as of October 20, the gross harvest makes 7.5 million tons (2 million MT more than in the same period last year). The volume transported from fields made 6.5 million tons of sugar beet, of which 6.18 million tons were delivered to the processing plants. The volume of sugar beet processed makes 5.36 million tons, with 777.3 thousand tons of sugar produced. The average sucrose content makes 17.9%, average sugar production yield - 14.4%, according to the Ministry of Agrarian Policy.


According to the analysis of data issued by the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, sugar exports decreased by 8% in 8 months (January - August) of 2016, compared to January - August 2015; the exports of other sugars dropped almost 2-fold, whereas the imports of raw sugar increased significantly(+ 48%).



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