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Russian consumer prices for sugar increased by 1% in January 19 – 25, 2016, according to Rosstat. From January 1, 2015 the consumer prices for sugar have increased by 2.2%.
GC "Prodimex" intends to buy about $ 300 million of debt of Zolotukhinsky sugar factory (the main Russian assets of “Ivolga” company) to its largest creditor - Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), with at least 50% discount, according to sources of the newspaper "Vedomosti".
According to price monitoring by for the period January 21–28, 2016, the dollar exchange rate has dropped by 0.6% (on Jan 21 – RUR 79.46/$; on Jan 28 RUR 79.00/$) and that has launched a “u-turn” for sugar prices from the point of the absolute maximum in recent years RUR 47.3/kg basis Krasnodar. However, by the end of the week, the Moscow ruble price of sugar increased by RUR 0.37 rubles/kg (0.78%), Krasnodar price increased by RUR 0.50/kg (+ 1.09%). Moscow US dollar price of sugar has increased by US$ 0.009/kg (+ 1.50%), Krasnodar price has added US$ 0.010/kg (+ 1.73%).
The RB sugar stocks have totalled 204 thousand tons on January 1, 2016, which is 21.7% less than was on January 1, 2015 reported STATCOM of Belarus.
The country produced 536 thousand tons of sugar beet in 2015, which is 60.5% less compared to 1 356 000 tons produced in 2014. The decline in the harvested crop in 2015 as compared to previous year is explained by a decrease of the average yield resulting from severe drought. The average yield of sugar beet has dropped by 50%, according to National Bureau of Statistics.