Russian and CIS sugar news, Sept 30, 2015

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According Soyuzrossakhar, Russia has harvested 451,400 hectares (44.2% of the crop acreage) at an average yield of 37.8 MT/ha as of September 29, 2015.

According to figures by the Ministry of Agriculture dated September 29, 2015; sugar beet was harvested from an area of 446.6 thousand ha. Collected 16.9 million MT total, with average yields of 37.87 MT/ha.

This season, Krasnodar sugar mills plan to receive and process about 8 million tons of sugar beet harvested in 2015, according to the regional Ministry of Agriculture. By September 28, total volume of beet harvested and piled has made 4.7 million tons including over 4.5 million tons processed with more than 608 000 tons of sugar produced.

The Supreme Rada (Ukrainian Parliament) has received a draft of a bill which proposed to abolish the mandatory minimum prices for sugar and sugar beet established by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Belarus has harvested 32,800 hectares (32.9%) by September 29, 2015. Bulk harvest makes 892,800 tons of beet with an average yield 27.21 MT/ha. The content of sucrose in beet was 17.44% at acceptance. Sugar mill have already processed 735,700 tons of sugar beet and have actually produced 101,800 tons of sugar (in 2014 processed 645,500 tons of sugar beet; produced 77,800 tons of sugar).

In Almaty region the yield of sugar beet is more than 70.0 MT from one hectare. The weight of a single root is 6.5-7 kilograms, according to the regional administration.

Armenia imported 529 tons of sugar and raw sugar (HS code 1701) for the total value of US$ 481,200 in August 2015, and 124.8 tons of other sugars (HS code 1702) for the total value of US$ 78,000, according to the National Statistical Service.



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