Average price of molasses from manufacturers (excluding VAT) in June 2024

According to Rosstat data, processed by Sugar.Ru, average price of molasses from manufacturers (excluding VAT) decreased YoY by 85.48% in June 2024 and have made 798.9 RUB/MT (in June 2023 - 5.5 thsnd. RUB/MT, in previous month - 940. RUB/MT)

Average price of molasses from manufacturers (excluding VAT), RUB/MT

Region price. RUB/MT (excluding VAT) to the previous month.% for 12 months.% YTD. %
Russia average 798.88 -15.01 -85.48 -69.15
Central Federal District 614.82 -34.57 -90.09 -77.89
Privolzhsky Federal District 1325.7 40.93 -70.08 -68.11


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