Belarus: Export and import for January

According to the Federal Customs Service of Belarus, conducted by Sugar.Ru, in 1 month (January) 2018:

  • export of sugar (HS code 1701) has made 33944.0 MT (115.00% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 4843.0 MT (20.00% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • import of beet raw sugar (HS code 170112) has made 221.0 MT (49.20% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of raw sugar (HS code 170114) has made 2557.0 kg (284.10% compared to the same period in 2017);
  • export of white sugar in solid state (HS code 170199) has made 33941.0 MT (115.10% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 4621.0 MT (208.70% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of other sugars (HS code 1702) has made 445.0 kg (6.10% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 1150.0 MT (117.80% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of molasses (HS code 1703) has made 15876.0 MT (3.2 times compared to the same period in 2017); import - 3133.0 MT (4.9 times compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of sugar confectionery (HS code 1704) has made 347.0 MT (89.50% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 1220.0 MT (138.20% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • export of water with sugar (HS code 2202) has made 3563.0 thousand liters (136.40% compared to the same period in 2017); import - 4637.0 thousand liters (167.90% compared to the same period in 2017)
  • import of seeds of sugar beet (HS code 120910) has made 3278.0 kg (82.30% compared to the same period in 2017)
Export of the Republic of Belarus for January 2018 by main countries
HS Code Commodity / country Unit January 2017 January 2018 Change by, %
QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value Price ave
1701 sugar MT 29512 14307.3 485 33944 12879.2 379 115 90 78.1
CIS countries MT 29299 14202.3 485 33306 12566.6 377 113.7 88.5 77.7
member states of the EEU MT 21907 10521.7 480 27707 10358.4 374 126.5 98.4 77.9
Kazakhstan MT 56 32.6 584 3851 1427.3 371 69 times 44 times 63.5
Moldova, Republic Of MT 4918 2496.1 508 - - -
Russian Federation MT 21086 10110.2 479 23784 8902.7 374 112.8 88.1 78.1
Uzbekistan MT - - - 1069 484 453
Ukraine MT 2474 1184.5 479 3462 1266.1 366 139.9 106.9 76.4
170112 Beat raw sugar kg 20000 13.9 1 - - -
CIS countries kg 20000 13.9 1 - - -
member states of the EEU kg 20000 13.9 1 - - -
Russian Federation kg 20000 13.9 1 - - -
170114 raw sugar kg 900 1.9 2 2557 4 2 284.1 210.5 74.1
CIS countries kg 900 1.9 2 2557 4 2 284.1 210.5 74.1
member states of the EEU kg 900 1.9 2 2557 4 2 284.1 210.5 74.1
Russian Federation kg 900 1.9 2 2557 4 2 284.1 210.5 74.1
170199 white sugar in solid state MT 29491 14291.5 485 33941 12875.2 379 115.1 90.1 78.1
CIS countries MT 29278 14186.5 485 33303 12562.6 377 113.7 88.6 77.7
member states of the EEU MT 21886 10505.9 480 27704 10354.4 374 126.6 98.6 77.9
Kazakhstan MT 56 32.6 584 3851 1427.3 371 69 times 44 times 63.5
Moldova, Republic Of MT 4918 2496.1 508 - - -
Russian Federation MT 21065 10094.4 479 23782 8898.7 374 112.9 88.2 78.1
Uzbekistan MT - - - 1069 484 453
Ukraine MT 2474 1184.5 479 3462 1266.1 366 139.9 106.9 76.4
1702 Other types of sugar kg 7300 10.1 1 445 3.2 7 6.1 31.7 5.2 times
CIS countries kg 7300 10.1 1 445 3.2 7 6.1 31.7 5.2 times
member states of the EEU kg 7300 10.1 1 445 3.2 7 6.1 31.7 5.2 times
Russian Federation kg 7300 10.1 1 445 3.2 7 6.1 31.7 5.2 times
1703 molasses MT 4896 309.3 63 15876 879.6 55 3.2 times 284.4 87.3
Countries outside the CIS MT 4896 309.3 63 15876 879.6 55 3.2 times 284.4 87.3
of which the EU countries MT 4176 260.1 62 10048 581.9 58 240.6 223.7 93.5
Canada MT - - - 1136 53.4 47
Latvia MT 964 60.9 63 2061 159.9 78 213.8 262.6 123.8
Lithuania MT 1115 69.3 62 3164 151.8 48 283.8 219 77.4
Norway MT 720 49.2 68 4692 244.3 52 6.5 times 5.0 times 76.5
Poland MT - - - 3465 203.2 59
Sweden MT 2098 129.9 62 775 36.4 47 36.9 28 75.8
1704 Sugar confectionery MT 387 707.3 1826 347 648.8 1872 89.5 91.7 102.5
CIS countries MT 359 630.7 1755 320 566.2 1768 89.1 89.8 100.7
member states of the EEU MT 354 619.5 1750 315 553.9 1756 89.1 89.4 100.3
Russian Federation MT 353 615.9 1745 315 552.9 1755 89.3 89.8 100.6
Countries outside the CIS MT 28 76.6 2747 26 82.6 3146 94.2 107.8 114.5
of which the EU countries MT 8 13.9 1808 13 24.7 1935 166 177.7 107
2202 Waters with sugar 1000 liters 2613 1376.6 527 3563 1735.4 487 136.4 126.1 92.4
CIS countries 1000 liters 2194 1270.8 579 3188 1596.9 501 145.3 125.7 86.5
member states of the EEU 1000 liters 1957 1174.8 600 2515 1290.1 513 128.5 109.8 85.5
Kazakhstan 1000 liters 73 47.2 644 251 142.3 567 3.4 times 3.0 times 88
Russian Federation 1000 liters 1883 1127.6 599 2264 1147.8 507 120.2 101.8 84.6
Ukraine 1000 liters 235 94.9 404 663 300.4 453 281.8 3.2 times 112.1
Countries outside the CIS 1000 liters 419 105.8 253 374 138.5 370 89.4 130.9 146.2
of which the EU countries 1000 liters 401 94.4 236 340 113.3 333 84.8 120 141.1
Latvia 1000 liters 117 23 197 99 22.3 226 84.6 97 114.7
Lithuania 1000 liters 235 52.6 224 83 28.8 347 35.4 54.8 154.9
230320 Beet pulp, bagasse (sugar cane) and other residues from sugar production MT 4397 511.3 116 9421 1209.3 128 214.2 236.5 110.3
Countries outside the CIS MT 4377 494.4 113 9421 1209.3 128 215.2 244.6 113.3
of which the EU countries MT 1670 187.1 112 8133 1047.2 129 4.9 times 5.6 times 115.2
Lithuania MT 618 66.2 107 4593 597.4 130 7.4 times 9.0 times 121.5
Morocco MT - - - 725 91.1 126
Netherlands MT 1052 120.9 115 2664 338.9 127 253.4 280.3 110.4
Norway MT 2708 307.3 113 562 71 126 20.8 23.1 111.5
Poland MT - - - 296 37.7 128
Sweden MT - - - 467 58.9 126

Import of the Republic of Belarus for January 2018 by main countries
HS Code Commodity / country Unit January 2017 January 2018 Change by, %
QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value, $1000 Price ave, $ QTY Value Price ave
120910 sugar beet seeds kg 3981 123.4 31 3278 117.5 36 82.3 95.2 115.6
Countries outside the CIS kg 3981 123.4 31 3223 116.2 36 81 94.2 116.3
of which the EU countries kg 3981 123.4 31 3223 116.2 36 81 94.2 116.3
Italy kg 3584 111.5 31 2993 108.2 36 83.5 97 116.2
France kg 397 11.9 30 230 8 35 57.9 67.2 116
1701 sugar MT 24197 12674.1 524 4843 2239.1 462 20 17.7 88.2
CIS countries MT 2662 1511.5 568 4244 1965.7 463 159.4 130 81.5
member states of the EEU MT 2662 1511.5 568 4244 1965.7 463 159.4 130 81.5
Russian Federation MT 2662 1511.5 568 4244 1965.7 463 159.4 130 81.5
Countries outside the CIS MT 21536 11162.6 518 599 273.4 456 2.8 2.4 88
of which the EU countries MT 1 2.1 2685 594 271.5 457 760 times 129 times 17
Brazil MT 21531 11155.3 518 - - -
Poland MT - 1.7 5 593 269.5 454 1825 times 159 times 87 times
170112 Beat raw sugar MT 449 265.1 591 221 103.3 467 49.2 39 79
CIS countries MT 448 264.8 591 221 103.3 467 49.3 39 79
member states of the EEU MT 448 264.8 591 221 103.3 467 49.3 39 79
Russian Federation MT 448 264.8 591 221 103.3 467 49.3 39 79
170113 Raw cane sugar MT 1096 566.1 516 - - -
Countries outside the CIS MT 1096 566.1 516 - - -
Brazil MT 1096 566.1 516 - - -
170114 raw sugar MT 20436 10589.7 518 - - -
Countries outside the CIS MT 20436 10589.7 518 - - -
Brazil MT 20432 10584.5 518 - - -
170199 white sugar in solid state MT 2214 1237 559 4621 2131.4 461 208.7 172.3 82.5
CIS countries MT 2212 1232.2 557 4022 1859.5 462 181.8 150.9 82.9
member states of the EEU MT 2212 1232.2 557 4022 1859.5 462 181.8 150.9 82.9
Russian Federation MT 2212 1232.2 557 4022 1859.5 462 181.8 150.9 82.9
Countries outside the CIS MT 3 4.8 1879 599 271.9 454 234 times 57 times 24.2
of which the EU countries MT - 0.1 20 594 270 454 118816 times 2700 times 23 times
Poland MT - - - 593 268 452
1702 Other types of sugar MT 976 668.4 685 1150 817.4 711 117.8 122.3 103.8
CIS countries MT 233 158.9 681 507 253 499 217.4 159.2 73.3
member states of the EEU MT 53 98.5 1857 139 133.6 961 262 135.6 51.8
Russian Federation MT 53 98.5 1857 139 133.6 961 262 135.6 51.8
Ukraine MT 180 60.4 335 368 119.4 324 204.3 197.7 96.7
Countries outside the CIS MT 743 509.5 686 642 564.4 879 86.5 110.8 128.1
of which the EU countries MT 610 420.1 689 438 407 930 71.8 96.9 135
Hungary MT 53 31.2 589 18 12.6 700 34 40.4 118.8
Germany MT 122 147.2 1203 65 93 1430 53.1 63.2 118.9
China MT 113 68.3 604 205 156.2 764 181 228.7 126.5
Lithuania MT 330 104.8 318 244 83.7 343 73.9 79.9 107.9
Poland MT 81 76.2 941 41 47.2 1165 50 61.9 123.8
1703 molasses MT 639 28.5 45 3133 226.9 72 4.9 times 8.0 times 160
CIS countries MT 638 28.2 44 3133 226.9 72 4.9 times 8.0 times 163.6
member states of the EEU MT 638 28.2 44 3133 226.9 72 4.9 times 8.0 times 163.6
Russian Federation MT 638 28.2 44 3133 226.9 72 4.9 times 8.0 times 163.6
1704 Sugar confectionery MT 883 2034.9 2305 1220 2797.6 2294 138.2 137.5 99.5
CIS countries MT 815 1779.5 2183 1052 2204 2095 129.1 123.9 96
member states of the EEU MT 486 1283.6 2643 496 1374.2 2771 102.1 107.1 104.8
Russian Federation MT 474 1264.9 2670 496 1374.2 2771 104.7 108.6 103.8
Ukraine MT 329 495.7 1504 556 827.7 1488 168.8 167 98.9
Countries outside the CIS MT 67 255.4 3785 168 593.6 3541 248.5 232.4 93.6
of which the EU countries MT 36 197.7 5440 79 289.8 3687 216.3 146.6 67.8
Turkey MT 27 40.9 1513 58 107.9 1856 215 263.8 122.7
2202 Waters with sugar 1000 liters 2762 1118.7 405 4637 1980.6 427 167.9 177 105.4
CIS countries 1000 liters 2680 1059.4 395 4495 1856.3 413 167.7 175.2 104.6
member states of the EEU 1000 liters 1887 676.1 358 3143 1288.8 410 166.6 190.6 114.5
Russian Federation 1000 liters 1887 676.1 358 3143 1288.8 410 166.6 190.6 114.5
Ukraine 1000 liters 793 383.3 483 1352 567.5 420 170.4 148.1 87
Countries outside the CIS 1000 liters 82 59.3 724 141 124.3 881 172.4 209.6 121.7


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