Average price of sugar from manufacturers (excluding VAT) in April 2023

According to Rosstat data, processed by Sugar.Ru, average price of sugar from manufacturers (excluding VAT) decreased YOY by 12.23% in April 2023 and have made 47.6 thsnd. RUR/MT (in April 2022 - 54.3 thsnd. RUR/MT, in previous month - 46.2 thsnd. RUR/MT)

Average price of sugar from manufacturers (excluding VAT), RUR/MT

Regionprice. RUR/MT (excluding VAT)to the previous month.%for 12 months.%YTD. %
All Russia47641.683.04-12.2315.84
Central Federal District47147.852.33-12.5614.01
Southern Federal District47821.524.6-8.8817.94
Privolzhsky Federal District48447.434.02-14.7918.62



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