Sugar news from Russia and Ukraine, April 15, 2015

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According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russian Federation, sugar beet in some regions of the South, the North Caucasus and Central Federal Districts was seeded on an area of 216,700 ha or 22.1% of the forecast by April 14, 2015 (in 2014 the progress was 242 thousand hectares).


According to documents prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture for the annual session, the share of domestic sugar in the Russian market in 2014 has decreased.


Soyuzrossakhar reports, 214 thousand hectares were planted with sugar beet in Russia as of April 14, 2015, which accounts for 21.6% of the projected areas of the crop (in 2014 on this date total 198,200 hectares were seeded).



According to the State Statistics Service, the volume of imports of goods classified as "Sugar and sugar confectionery" amounted to 5,208,900 US dollars in January-February 2015, which is 55.6% less than in 2014. The value of exports for this category has made US$ 24 582.1 thousand in January 2015,


Ukrainian farmers have planted 113,000 hectares with sugar beet, or 41% of the forecast, by April 14 (in 2014 the progress was 298 thousand ha), reports the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food.



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