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The average consumer price of sugar in Russia has made RUR 54.16 per 1 kg in March 2015, which is RUR 1.66 less than a month ago, according to Rosstat.
Kursk region plans to complete the sowing campaign of sugar beet by April 25. This year sugar beet acreage will make 100 thousand hectares.
According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Agriculture valid as of April 6, 2015, the country has processed 208,600 tons of raw sugar; the volume of sugar produced from raw canes makes total 222 700 MT from the beginning of the year (including from raws received by the processing enterprises by the end of 2014 - Sugar.Ru). Volumes of raw sugar imports in January-April 2015 (as of 6 April) are 32.5% less than in 2014. In the week of April 6 to 13, the wholesale price of sugar fell by 3.7%, retail – by 0.6 %.
As of April 10, the acreage sown with sugar beet in Russia has made 18.4% of planned (i.e. 180.3 thousand hectares).
As of April 10 the country has planted 74 thousand hectares with sugar beet, which makes 27% of the forecast (in 2014 - 293 000 ha), the Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food has reported.
"Mriya Agro Holding" has started sowing campaign, but the sugar beet plans are still of no certainty. In particular, it is unknown whether the sugar factories of "T-sugar" holding would operate, the owners of enterprises do not provide any answer on possible launch of capacities.
Tashkent has suddenly faced an acute shortage of sugar supplied by the social price of 2.8-3.2 thousand Uzbek Soums at the end of last week. In supermarkets the price of sugar has jumped as high as UZS