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According to the figures by Williams Brasil dated August 29, 2017, total 18 vessels have been nominated to carry 642 020 MT of raw cane sugar in 2017 season from Brazilian seaports to the Black/Baltic seaports with end-receivers in CIS, Georgia and Baltic states. As of today, the volume received and unloaded makes 462 110 MT from 13 vessels, based on data.
According to Soyuzrossahar report dated August 28, sugar beet is processed by 44 sugar factories, total over 3.6 million tons of sugar beet was harvested from the beginning of production season (3.4 million tons in 2016) and 422.0 thousand tons of sugar produced (in 2016 - 360.0 thousand tons).
"Prodimex" company will invest about 2 billion rubles in the modernization of the sugar factories of the group in 2017, including RUR 1.684 billion will be spent on modernization itself, and another RUR 260 million will be invested in the construction of sugar beet storage facilities, the company's management reports.
As of August 28, total 12 districts of Kursk region continue to harvest sugar beet. Three sugar factories were launched into operation: Lgovsky, Rylsky and Tetkinsky. The projected harvest exceeds 5 million tons of sugar beet this season.
GC "Rusagro" started processing sugar beet at sugar refineries in Tambov and Belgorod regions. Sugar factories in Kursk and Orel regions will be launched within a week.
"Ukrtsukor" anticipates that 46 sugar plants will be processing sugar beet in the season of 2017/2018 marketing year. The beginning of the juice extracting season is expected provisionally in the first days of September. Forecast of sugar production by the Association remains at the same level - 2 million tons in the season 2017/2018.
In current season Vinnitsa region plans process 2.5-2.6 million tons of sugar beet with an expected output of 375,000 tons of sugar in 2017/2018 season.