Russian and CIS sugar news, Feb 02, 2022

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According to Soyuzrossahar, as of February 01, 2022,  a total volume of 37.5 million tons of sugar beet harvested in 2021 was processed and 5.40 million tons of sugar produced, which is 0.41 million tons more than last year. By the end of this week, the remaining 3 sugar factories in Tambov, Voronezh and the Republic of Bashkortostan will complete the processing of sugar beets. The expected total sugar production of these plants is estimated at 12,000 tons. In February, the production of sugar from molasses will begin in the Belgorod region. Based on the results of the 2021/22 production season. domestic sugar factories may produce 5.53 million tons of sugar from sugar beets harvested in 2021, which is 319.0 thousand tons more than last season.


According to the Statistical Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan, domestic consumer prices for sugar increased by 0.6% in January 2022, compared to the previous month, and on an annualized basis (by January 2021) – have grown by 14.8%.


In January 2022, the transit of Belarusian sugar by the Russian rail amounted to 408 tons only, the entire volume was delivered from the Slutsk Sugar Plant to Tajikistan.



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