Ukraine: Import and export for 9 months of 2021

According to the analysis of data by the Federal Customs Service of Ukraine, conducted by Sugar.Ru, in 9 months (January - September) 2021:

  • Export of sugar beet seeds (HS code 120910) has made total 2 MT, in September only - 0 MT. Import of sugar beet seeds (HS code 120910) has made total 616 MT, in September only - 0 MT.
  • Export of white sugar (HS code 170199) has made total 2 567 MT, in September only - 367 MT. Import of white sugar (HS code 170199) has made total 39 971 MT, in September only - 7 MT.
  • Export of molasses (HS code 1703) has made total 762 MT, in September only - 45 MT. Import of molasses (HS code 1703) has made total 4 434 MT, in September only - 644 MT.
  • Export of beet pulp (HS code 230320) has made total 76 729 MT, in September only - 5 889 MT. Import of beet pulp (HS code 230320) has made total 187 MT, in September only - 187 MT.

Export and import of Ukraine in 9 months 2021 (main countries)

HS code Good/Country Export Import
Weight (MT) Value (thousand $) Weight (MT) Value (thousand $)
120910 seeds of sugar beet (total) 2 138 616 20 345
Germany 2 138 547 18 372
1701 sugar (total) 2 592 1 441 163 329 80 489
Brazil 0 0 122 705 58 913
Israel 1 275 520 1 2
Germany 451 366 3 216 1 732
Poland 0 0 27 088 13 871
170114 raw sugar (total) 0 1 123 052 59 215
Brazil 0 0 122 705 58 913
170199 white sugar (total) 2 567 1 375 39 971 20 757
Belgium 0 0 4 080 2 197
Israel 1 275 520 1 1
Lithuania 0 0 2 913 1 605
Germany 450 363 3 168 1 660
Poland 0 0 27 070 13 836
France 0 0 2 058 996
1702 other sugars (total) 35 966 20 411 21 953 13 674
Belarus 3 278 1 163 0 0
Bulgaria 63 51 7 985 2 719
Indonesia 4 386 1 686 26 110
China 5 507 3 993 1 855 1 367
Colombia 1 238 879 0 0
Lithuania 69 31 1 788 1 015
Nigeria 5 943 3 352 0 0
Germany 23 18 778 1 540
Poland 21 19 5 274 2 297
Saudi Arabia 1 606 1 153 0 0
Togo 5 856 2 956 0 0
Turkey 0 0 792 558
Hungary 40 23 1 251 452
Czech Republic 1 857 1 433 69 88
1703 molasses (total) 762 84 4 434 286
Israel 710 75 0 0
Russia 0 0 4 423 273
1704 sugar confectionery (total) 75 829 150 278 12 559 48 363
Azerbaijan 3 761 6 324 35 45
Belarus 3 678 5 617 214 503
Georgia 2 393 3 419 0 0
Yemen 2 965 3 917 0 0
Spain 392 1 200 524 2 280
Kazakhstan 6 814 11 561 264 355
China 2 245 3 649 1 536 5 404
Lithuania 2 761 4 840 17 91
Mongolia 2 376 3 554 0 0
Germany 4 233 11 621 834 5 243
Poland 6 535 14 013 1 655 11 286
Romania 5 691 11 106 18 110
United Kingdom 4 725 17 793 24 169
Turkey 1 281 2 481 4 418 8 767
Uzbekistan 3 784 5 723 64 142
Czech Republic 904 2 192 924 2 687
2202 water with sugar (total) 239 240 103 602 54 115 42 738
Austria 988 637 2 929 3 483
Belgium 380 229 3 140 2 877
Belarus 8 621 2 576 1 569 765
Bulgaria 20 719 10 489 7 7
Georgia 10 257 5 129 6 574 3 579
Israel 16 966 9 693 0 0
Lithuania 24 660 9 927 393 251
Netherlands 3 619 1 567 2 560 2 898
Germany 3 112 1 090 3 186 3 842
Poland 19 391 8 789 18 642 9 382
Moldova 54 949 15 382 1 0
Romania 12 784 7 860 166 113
Slovakia 17 419 8 707 54 68
Hungary 381 116 6 423 3 740
Switzerland 531 289 2 694 3 185
230320 beet pulp (total) 76 729 15 047 187 34
China 9 146 2 425 0 0
Morocco 6 011 1 112 0 0
Poland 4 634 833 187 34
Republic Of Korea 7 123 1 509 0 0
Saudi Arabia 42 617 7 094 0 0
Japan 5 570 1 639 0 0


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