Russian and Kazakh sugar news, Jul 05, 2017

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According to the monitoring data of Sugar.Ru, the export of Russian sugar amounted to 26.5 thousand tons in June. This figure contributes to the continuing trend of falling exports against the growth of Russian sugar prices and a drop in world prices. Since the beginning of the year, Russia exported 207.9 thousand tons of white sugar by rail (in 2016 it was 2.8 thousand tons). Export of sugar by rail amounted to 291.6 thousand tons for 11 months of the 2016/17 season. The main recipients of Russian sugar were Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The largest exporters in June were Dobrinsky, Uspensky and Elan-Kolenovsky sugar factories.


According to the railroad cargo monitoring data of Sugar.Ru for June, Kazakhstan received 8,1 thousand tons of white sugar transit Russia. Thus total the total volume of sugar received by Kazakhstan transit Russian rail amounted to 25 thousand tons in the first half of 2017l (in 2016 - 40.5 thousand tons). Since the beginning of the year Belarus has been the monopoly supplier of this sugar to Kazakhstan, in June Kazakhstan has also received Polish sugar - 1.9 thousand tons. Since the beginning of the season, sugar transit to Kazakhstan amounted to 44.6 thousand tons.



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