Sugar news from Russia, Ukraine, Tajikistan and Customs Union sugar import/export data, Jan 22, 2016

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Krasnojaruzhsky sugar factory has closed sugar refining season-2015, having processed 299 386 tons of beets and manufacturing 44 750 tons of sugar. Sugar yield has made 15.38% average – the best result in the history of the enterprise. Additionally, the factory has produced 10 thousand tons of granulated pulp in the season.

Buinsky sugar factory has closed 2015 juice extracting season. Total volume processed has made 588 000 tons of beet (up by 170 thousand tons compared to previous season). The factory has produced 89 400 tons of sugar (in 2014 – 57.4 thousand tons). The content of sucrose in beet has reached 17.47% compared to 16.92% in 2014.

According to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the country has produced 125 thousand tons of beet sugar in December 2015; total production in 2015 has made 1.466 million tons (which makes only 70.4% of production volume in 2014). Sugar confectionery produced has made 15,100 tons in December making total 2015 annual production volume 188 thousand tons (100.9% of production volume in 2014).

The price of sugar in Ukraine will not change much till the autumn of 2016 and may reach about UAH 21/kg at the peak of consumption, considers the company "ProAgro".

The average price for sugar has reached UAH 15.12/kg as of January 11, 2016,though by 20 January it has slightly decreased to UAH 15.08 UAH/kg, reports the State Service on Statistics.

According to the national Statistics Agency, the sugar price has increased by 19.3% total in 2015.

According to the report by the Eurasian Economic Commission covering  11 months of 2015, sugar exports (HS 1701) outward the Customs Union zone (CU) has made 20,300 tons, the export of other sugars (HS 1702) – 7 000 tons; export of molasses (HS 1703) has made 383,700 tons. Imports of sugar have reached 1.17 million tons, the import of other sugars – 109,100 tons.



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